Reunion Update July 31, 2008

As of today, we have received payment from 66 of our classmates, for a total of 116 attendees.

The suggested attire is business casual. The family activitiy at Willow Park is come-as-you-are. The dinner at the reunion will be catered by Iron Gate Catering. Here's the menu:

  • Rosemary chicken
  • Slow smoked sirloin steak
  • Au gratin potatoes
  • Rolls/butter
  • Peach punch/water
  • Chocolate toffee cake
  • Cheesecake with raspberry topping

Class of '88 Reunion

After 20 years, it's time to get together, reminisce, and reconnect. The Class of '88 reunion will be held on Saturday, August 2, 2008, at Sky View High School in Smithfield at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $30 per person or $60 per couple for payments made after July 5, 2008.

If you would like to attend, RSVP by sending an e-mail to and paying for admission to the reunion.

There will be a family activity at Willow Park in Logan at 1:00 p.m. on August 2.

Please send an e-mail (even if you can't attend the reunion) to with your contact information (mailing address, phone number and e-mail address) so that you can be informed of details of this and future reunions. We're currently trying to assemble a complete list of contact information for all members of our class, so please also send us contact information for other classmates.

During the coming weeks, we will update the "Who is coming / contact information" post with the names of those who are planning attending. Please send any contact information for you or your classmates to

Family Activity

In addition to the reunion to be held at Sky View High School, there will be a family activity at the concrete pad at Willow Park on August 2 at 1:00 p.m. Dress is come-as-you-are.

All are invited to attend the family activity, and admission is free regardless of whether you'll be attending the main event that evening. Bring the whole family to enjoy the ice cream and drinks that will be provided! Bring a picnic or other food if you would like to have lunch at the activity.

Where are they now? - Billye Sue Francis (White)

Ok, so I just listened to the song"1985" on the radio. People... when they start making nostalgic songs about your years in high school, you know you are getting OLD! I'm excited for the reunion, and glad for the chance to catch up with everyone!

A quick rundown of my life since high school... I went to college at USU and got my degree in elementary education. During that time I married Jim White (graduated 1984 from SV) and built a house in North Logan. I taught first grade for four years; one in Tremonton and three in North Logan. I then quit teaching, moved to Smithfield, and started teaching preschool in my home seven years ago. I have five children; Lauri (17), Blake (15), Justin (10), Kelsea (7), and Caleb (5). I love being a mom, and am lucky to have such awesome and beautiful children!

I mentioned living in Smithfield. Yep, I can hear the band practicing from my house. As for SV hill... we fought to keep it, but lost. Sorry folks, it's coming down (sniff). It's strange going to parent teacher conferences at Sky View with my kids, seeing teachers still there who taught us, teachers who we were classmates with (Missy and Matt, keep up the good work!), and finding out the gym still smells the same. What's even stranger is teaching our old teacher's grand kids! I'll have Jan Hall's grandson and Mr. Mullen's granddaughter in my preschool next year. The circle of life.

Now for a little reminiscing... hmmmm. The one embarrassing moment that pops into mind is that dreaded first kiss. (No offense David) I was in the musical "Oklahoma", and had a scene where my character kisses David Butterfield's. Ok, so the scene comes up, and Mrs. Wharton tells David to kiss me. Laughter breaks out from the crowd behind us. Mrs. Wharton asks what's so funny, and they proceed to tell her that I had never kissed anyone. Yep, sweet 18 and never been kissed. (Jay and Brandon, stop laughing. It wasn't funny!) Needless to say we got through it, but not without turning us both red (You were red David, admit it). But hey, I've only kissed three guys... two from that play and my husband. That's not weird, is it??

I have to say the people who made a big difference for me in high school were my friends Michelle, Andrea, Tessie, Leslie, Angela, Heather...and many others! I would have had such a dull life without them. I would have spent my whole high school career doing homework and watching my younger brothers and sisters if it weren't for them insisting I take a little time off to go toilet papering, toothpasting cars, and hanging out at sock hops. Thanks for helping me have a childhood!!!

I hope more of you add to this blog. I love reading how you are doing and seeing how we're making it through this crazy life in all our different and unique ways. I am way behind the times when it comes to computer skills, but I am on Facebook if anyone wants to chat. Take care! Love you all!!! Billye Sue

Where are they now? - Camille Rawlings (Hekking)

Although I did not graduate from Sky View, I feel more comfortable with all of you than with the Logan High crowd. I'm excited to attend the reunion and see everyone that will be there. After high school I moved to Salt Lake with my parents. I went to Snow College with my cousin Debbie (Wiser) and we had a lot of fun. After college I worked at a medical clinic for 10 years. While there, I worked in the records dept., physical therapy, and finally data entry/billing dept. It was a really fun job and I made lots of good friends. I met my awesome hubby, Tony, at Lake Powell and we have been married for 16 yrs now. We have 2 sons... Cameron(9) and Parker (4). After a long haul of infertility, we adopted Cameron, he is so funny and I like to say that he is 9 going on 19... he is quite the social kid and has to know everything that's going on around us and he talks A LOT!!!!! We put in our papers for a 2nd adoption and waited patiently... nothing really happened.

Just before Thanksgiving in 2003, I just wasn't feeling very well for a while so I went to the doctor and told him my symptoms and he said I had an ulcer, gave me some pills and a list of foods to avoid (that's not what you want a few days before Thanksgiving). The ulcer seemed to subside a little but I was having other problems too so long story short, the ulcer turned out to be a baby and by the time we found out I was actually pregnant I was already 3-1/2 months along. How crazy is that? I always HATED hearing 2 things when we were going through the infertility stuff... "Just adopt and you'll end up getting pregnant" and... "I didn't even know I was pregnant" And now, I'm living proof of those 2 things. Go figure. We love our sons and they could not be more opposite from each other if they tried to so it keeps life very interesting.

Right now we live in Salt Lake. My husband works for the county and I work 2 days a week at the front desk at a hotel. It's actually pretty fun and I have lots of entertaining stories about the crazy people that come to stay there. When I read some of the things that others have posted, I feel like my life has been pretty boring. I haven't traveled much except to Hawaii (where I was sick for 5 of the 7 days and stuck in the condo). And I don't have any great degrees or any successful business but I am happy with where I'm at now and I do have an amazing, blessed life.

I can't wait to come to the reunion and have fun. 20 freakin' years... how did that happen??? Here's to 20 more.

Where are they now? - Tony Jewkes

(Long and uninsightful- you may want to grab a snack and something interesting to read)

It’s been 20 years? Hmmm, seems longer than that.
Since 1988 and my days as a proud Bobcat I served a mission in the great South Dakota Rapid City Mission, certainly not the most exotic or exciting but do you remember me being exotic or exciting? No need to respond thank you very much.

Following the mission I attended USU … and even graduated. While at USU I had the opportunity to serve in the LDSSA organization and then was fortunate enough to achieve my 287th greatest lifetime desire- to serve with my good friend and comrade David Butterfield, in what had to have been one of the greatest political machines in the history of government, at least as far as we were concerned. The school is still in operation following our terms and what happened to the football team wasn’t completely my fault.

Prior to and following graduation procured a lofty position within the Athletics department, working full-time in the marketing office. Still single at the time I focused all my spare time to help my “Aggieness” reached unprecedented heights.

After two years at USU, I became a T-Bird and joined Southern Utah Univ’s athletics department as an assistant AD. Still single and closing in on the ripe old age of 28, I kept faint hope alive for this beautiful and amazing woman I was somehow dating. Having managed to keep this girl from Logan somewhat interested in me for a year and a half, I finally asked her to marry me (while we were on a break no less). To my surprise and after considerable and uneasy thought on her part, she accepted. This month we celebrated our 10th anniversary. Her name is Crystal (Larsen) – Logan High Class of ’91 and she’s still way out of my league.

We have been blessed with three amazingly awesome and beautiful children that we adore and can’t get enough of - Elle (age 6), McKay (age 4) and Kesley (Almost 2)

After nearly five years at SUU and Masters of Education degrees under our belts we moved to Utah County when I accepted the Director of Athletic Marketing position at BYU. Yes, you heard right, life-long hated, despised and wretched Cougars (My parents are finally beginning to speak to me again but I don’t think some people like Burns Israelsen and Wes Hoth have still come to terms with it). I do hold the distinction of being the only person on the planet to have the responsibility of marketing a losing BYU Football program. Guess my time and experience with the Aggies did serve a purpose.

In 2006 I transitioned to my current role working for ISP Sports, a North Carolina-based company that is the media rights holder for nearly 60 collegiate properties, including BYU where I serve as an Asst. VP and the General Manager of the property. We hold the rights to other schools such as UCLA, Cal, Washington, Georgia, Auburn, Florida State, Notre Dame, etc.
We live in Spanish Fork and my wife Crystal teaches a secondary education class at BYU one night each week.

Is there anyone still reading this? If so, surely you have better things to do with your time.

I still am in love with the game of golf although I don’t play nearly as much as I used to. Nearly all of my free time is spent at home where I love to be, with my family, working on projects around our house or in the yard.

Most Embarrassing/Funniest Moment in HS?

Like what? Jr. Prom? Something other than having my dad’s beautifully restored 1952 Cadillac break down in Cove (which at the time seemed to be near edge of the earth) in Melissa White’s front yard. Finding Dana Johnson and Darci Munk standing outside this huge cloud of steam, smoke or whatever gas it was, that engulfed and hid the car from view. Then Melissa’s mindful and very kind father backed out of their garage in what I recall to be a car with ski racks still on top, put it in park, remove the ski racks, then walk over and hand me the keys and tell us to have a good time. What a great man!
But wait, there’s more. Yes, there is more.
Then, the next morning, before 6:30 am, my dad woke me up to make the trek from North Logan to Cove to retrieve this idiot vehicle which totally failed me just a mere 11 and a half hours earlier. I love my dad, but to add insult to injury, he revved this rather loud engine repeatedly over and over and over. What it accomplished, I still have no idea. I’m quite sure it not only woke up the entire White family on a lovely and peaceful Sunday morning but the Sadler family as well which lived 8.7 miles up the canyon.

So did I have any embarrassing moments? Na.

Most Influential people?

Without question, Darven Erickson, Dana Johnson and Wade Lindley. My best friends who were all outstanding influences…. mostly for good.
There are many others that are remembered and appreciated such as golf coach Jim Mullen and his tidbits of golf philosophy, they are still guiding principles in my life today. I was also influenced by Mr. Andreason’s geometrically impossible hairdo. Although I’ve made several attempts to replicate it, as advancing years have necessitated, I have failed miserably in all such attempts. How he did it is still one of the great mysteries of our time.

Others include Principal Chambers, Fletch, Camp Team Advisor, Sherman Lindhardt, Sherman T. Potter, Vida, many Seminary teachers, Jim Swarthow, the three people, other than myself, that actually voted for me in my bid to become Student body VP, Danny Noonan, the six people that realized we actually had a golf team (that includes the 13 members of the team), Long Duck Dong, The Where’s the Beef lady, Alan Stanwyk, Jester, the guy that froze snickers bars at Birch Creek, Igor Stravinski, Judge Smails and my ’62 Chevy Impala that I still miss to this day.

Memorable Moments?

Besides the Jr. Prom and the broken car? Too many to name. I loved my time at SV. Highlights include the times spent with my friends, seminary council, golf team, football’s run through the state playoffs, camp team, making out everyday in the halls with really hot girls, throwing stuff off the bridge with Tommy Callahan, etc.

I’m looking forward to seeing all who can make it Aug. 2nd.

Thanks to Darven, Burns, Butterfield, Beckie, Lynley, Missy, Wade, Matt, Charlie and others for all your efforts. You are awesome!

Me and my ISP Staff on the bench at a BYU football game (real or not

Me on the 18th tee at Pebble Beach last year

Judge Smails

Long Duk Dong

Fletch II

Who is coming / contact information

[Updated July 31]

Below is a list of our 320 classmates. This list includes those who actually graduated from Sky View High School in 1988, others who attended Sky View with our class during our senior year, a few foreign exchange students, and others who have asked to be included because they attended Sky View but graduated elsewhere. We have added about 20 names to this list in the past month, but still might be missing a few.

We are trying to contact all of them to let them know about the reunion. Please send contact information for you or any of our classmates to, particularly those whose names are in bold in the list below. We would appreaciate receiving your contact information even if you can't come to the reunion. We would like to receive e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and mailing address for any of our classmates or their parents.

If we have left anyone off the list or misspelled names, please let us know.

We also want to invite anyone who attended Sky View High School with our class but graduated elsewhere. If you are one of these people (or know of someone who is), let us know so we can add you to the list.

Red -- paid and planning on attending the reunion (116 total, including 66 from the Class of '88)
Bold -- addresses still needed (107)
Green -- classmates who have passed away

Athena Agathangelides (Haley)
Brad Albrechtsen
Chris Allbee
Andrea Allen
April Almond
Sachie Amakishi
Lori Andersen
Paul Andersen
Todd Andersen
Michael Anderson
Shane Anderson
Deanna Anthon (Erickson)
Jennifer Anthony (Aiken)

Missy Babcock (Stuart)
Diane Bagley (Lamont)
Wade Bailey
Dixie Bair
Donna Bair
Doug Bair
Mary Ann Balls
David Barker
Travis Barker
Stephanie Barlow
Wade Bartlett
Brook Bateson
Kathryn Baugh
Freddy Behm
Debbie Benson (Hansen)
Jeanette Benson
Jeneil Benson
Richard Bindrup

Jeffrey Bingham
Russell Bingham
Robyn Boman (Hansen)
Russell Boschetti
Brandon Bradford
Lisa Broadbent (Carlson)
Brett (Bucky) Brown
Camille Browne

Jill Bullen (Loy)
Kammy Bumgarner
Gary Bunce
David Buttars
Russell Buttars
David Butterfield

Suzanne Chadwick
Sherrie Cheney
Jason Christensen
Camille Christiansen (Ashby)
Kim Churchill
Cindi Clark
Monica Clark (Miles)
Thomas Clark
Tyson Clark
Travis Clements
Beckie Coleman (Cale)
Andrea Corbridge (Williams)
Blake Comish
Linda Cottle
Janiel Cragun
Aric Craig
Eric Creger
Pamela Cressall

Drifty Crossley

Trent Dagley
Gregory Daines
Michael Dammer
Jason Daughtery
Chris Davis
Kristie Decorso
Melissa Douglass
Shelli Dowd (Larsen)
Grayson Downs
Kevin Drollinger
Blake Dursteler

Scott Elliott
Dale Elwood
Rodney Elwood
Todd Ericksen
Charles Erickson
Darven Erickson
Ruthann Erickson
Amilyn Erskine
Blake Eskelson
Clay Esplin
Amber Evans (Draper)

Lance Fife
Dan Finch
Wendi Finchum
Tammy Flygare
Ann Michelle Francis
Billye Sue Francis (White)
Laurel Francom
James Fundark
Kristine Funk
Matthew Funk

Jeffrey Geddes
Kristen Gibbons (Packer)
Maquel Gibbons (Hawkes)
Tracy Gittins
Heather Gleason
Colette Godfrey
Dallon Godfrey
Gene Godfrey
Scott Godfrey
Suzanne Godfrey
Troy Godfrey
Scott Good
Joanne Goodsell
Bryant Graetz
Shaun Gregory
Karianne Grover

Demetria Guion

James Hall
Darrin Hancey
Corey Hansen
Raquel Hansen
Shon Hansen
Todd Hansen
Heather Hatch
Lynley Hawkes (Thompson)
Debra Hemsley
Sean Herd
Todd Hiibner
Kristeen Hickman
Wendy Hillyard
Dennis Hirst
Leslie Hobbs
Andy Hofmeister
Julie Hoggan
Jill Hoopes
Travis Hoopes
Travis Horton
Wes Hoth
Kimberley Housley
Jonathan Howell
JoAnn Huber (Smith)
Mike Huff
Dennis Huffman
Judy Humphreys (Larsen)
Danette Hyde
Darian Hyde

Tami Isaacson (Nelson)
Burns Israelsen

Cynthia Jackson
Kara Lynn Jackson
Marnie Jenkins
Aaron Jensen
Brad Jensen
Cory Jensen
Roxanne Jessop
Tony Jewkes
Clinton Johnson
Dana Johnson
Daren Johnson
David Johnson
Jay Johnson
Shane Johnson
Troy Johnson
Valerie Johnson
Dennis Jones
Stephanie Jonsson
Cedar Jordan
Brian Jorgensen
Jeanie Jorgensen (Raymond)

Kendra Kartchner
Tex Keen
Katie Kimball
Carlo King
Kevin King
Cheryl Kipper
Jon Kleven
Shayne Kohler
Wayne Kohler
Mark Koller

Bob Lambert
Ann Michelle Larkin
Dana Larsen
Dawna Larsen
Janette Lee
Lori Lee
Kimara Lind
Lisa Lind
Douglas Lindhardt
Wade Lindley
Brandon Long
Bobette Loosli

Monique Lott
Rebecca Low
Kip Lundberg
Angela Lusk (Drollinger)
Torrie Lutz (Valentine)

Clint Mackay
Kim Mangum
Marci Marchant
Adrienne Maughan
Lauralee Maughan
Jim McCammon
Angela McDonald (Bingham)
Glen McKean
Angela Meikle
Steven Merkley
Kris Merrill
Aaron Meyer
Paul Mikesell
Corey Miller
Wendy Miller

Laura Milligan
Debbie Moser (Bond)
Darci Munk (Chew)
Katie Murray
Corinna Mylroie

Paul Neilson
Angie Nelson
Cory Nelson
Roberta Nelson
Michael Nickle
Julia Nielsen
Angela Noble
Heather Nyman

Keiko Okamato
Cami Oswald

Konie Packer
Brian Parkinson
Derek Parkinson
Tally Peart
Alison Perkes (Sullivan)
Toni Perkes
Camille Petersen
Nathan Phillips
Deaette Pitcher (Hartley)

Brandon Rasmussen
Camille Rawlings (Hekking)
Peggy Rawlings (Kinnard)
Lee Reeder
Lisa Reeder
Sarah Reeder
Tony Reese
Harold Reflow
Karla Rigby
Beatriz Rivas
Craig Robinson
Lance Robinson
Robin Roe
Shane Roghaar
Deanna Romriell
Lisa Ruthven

Matt Sadler
Michelle Sadler
Diana Sampson (Cannell)
Leslie Sanders
Christoph Schmidt-Taube
Bryan Seamons
Lisa Seamons (Jensen)
Brent Seeley
Shaun Selley
Leonard Shackelford
Robert Shelby
Tina Shepherd
Terrell Shumway
Chris Simkins
Tene Simoudka
Johanna Singer
David Sipes
Darren Smith
Erica Smith (Roper)
Nathan Smith
Michael Sohn
June Sorensen
Reed Sorensen
Paul Sorenson
James Sorge
Shelia Sprauge (Elder)
Leanne Stephens (Mitchell)
Jay Stoker
Clifford Stokes
Christy Sullivan (Barthlome)
Jeffrey Svejda
Jennifer Swensen (Hobbs)
Samuel Symons

Greg Taylor
Melodie Taylor
Leisa Teuscher (Lamb)
Holli Thayer
Camille Thomson
Jay Thomson
Clay Thornley
Randal Thornley
Jalayne Thurston (Bassett)
Jennifer Torgerson (Forbes)
Van Tran
Douglas Tueller

Frederic Vaillant
Renee Vanover
Jason Vernon

Stephen Waite
Wendy Waite
Lamarr Walker
Mui-Ling Wang
Rosemary Warburton
Qwin Warren
Jennifer Watterson
Angela Watts
Dena Webb (Elliott)
Jason Westover
Troy Wheeler
Brook White
Melissa White (Eskelson)
David Wiener
Jan Wilkinson (Clements)
Kirk Williams
Debbie Wilson
Debbie Wiser (Wilcox)
Kathleen Wiser (Atkinson)
Kim Wiser
David Womack
Wendy Wood (Chadwick)
Chris Wright

Danielle Young

Tessie Ziegler (Fairbanks)

Let us know what you have been doing since '88

In addition to getting contact information that will permit you to receive information about the reunion, we would like to get information about you that can be shared with the rest of the graduating class.

Please send a narrative (preferably with pictures) that summarizes what you have been doing during the past 20 years. Tell us about your family, job, activities and pastimes, accomplishments, and anything else of interest. The information can be sent to, and it will be posted here.

Your contact information won't be shown on this site, except that we'll list your e-mail address or even a link to your own blog if you give us permission to do so. Also, if you'd like to add to or edit your information at any time, let us know at

We'd like to hear from you even if you can't make it to the reunion.

To help you get started with your narrative, here are a few topics to consider:

  • Name (First, Maiden, Last)
  • E-mail (if you would like to share it)
  • Your Own Blog (if you'd like to share it)
  • Occupation and Current Employment
  • Spouse and Spouse’s Occupation
  • Children (names, ages)
  • Current City and State
  • Places Where You Have Lived since High School
  • Colleges Attended and Degrees Earned
  • Favorite Pastimes
  • Other Accomplishments Since High School

Answer these questions, too. Some of them may be read during the program at the reunion.

  • Most Embarrassing/Funny Moment from High School
  • Most Memorable Moment of Your Senior Year
  • Most Influential Person in High School (student, teacher, etc.)

Send us some pictures!

  • Current pictures of you, your spouse, your children, pets, etc.
  • Any pictures you have from our high school days.

Where are they now? - David Sipes

Hello classmates and forever friends… After graduation I was talked into joining the U.S. Navy by our other fellow classmate and attendee of our reunion Jim Mccammon. So as a good friend and American that I am, I signed on the dotted line and joined the Navy. In July 1988 I entered the U.S. Navy and moved to San Diego California. From San Diego I moved to Tennesse for School and then went back to San Diego where I spent the remaining of my four year obligation. To this day our great brother and classmate Jim Mccammon is still in the U.S. Navy serving as a Weapons Officer, and now I have to salute him, as he has gained more rank than I ever did.

Anyway, as I completed my tour with the U.S. Navy I think, I watched one too many episodes of a show called "Rescue 911" and I became a Paramedic. So… where else would one want to be a Paramedic than the big city of Los Angeles, California! I moved to L.A. in about 1992 and have been in the area ever since, however not in the same occupation.

The story continues with me eventually starting my own ambulance company and running it for about 3 years before I wisened up and got out of the business because I felt I wanted to make some "real money"!!!

After being in the public service field for so long I moved more into technology with the boom of the Internet and have been there ever since. I have worked for a few companies and now own two Internet based businesses and love every minute. I run a very busy lifestyle being a business person and family man but love every minute of it.

Nevertheless, enough about me and onto my wonderful family… I remember during my high school years wondering were my future wife was at the time, however, I never envisioned her being in Russia at that time. Yes, I married a wonderful individual who came to America at age 15, finished high school, and completed her Masters Degree in Psychology. Marina now has her own private practice as a Marriage Family and Child Therapist. We have been married now for almost 10 years and have two children together girl (Abigail - 7) and a boy (Gabriel - 2) and I have a step son (Jeffrey – 17). Jeffrey just graduated from high school and is starting college as I am (***cough***) having my 20th reunion.

Moving on with my story, I eventually purchased a home in Porter Ranch, California, on Salt Lake Place and love to golf and go boating with my family. We also have very active lifestyle with our children as Jeffrey is a successful hockey player for many years and Abigail now an up and coming figure skater. Oh! let's not forget Gabriel who is already trying to become like his big brother and getting on ice skates himself so he can become a hockey player.
Well that is about it for now. I look forward to catching up with you all in a few weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time via email at

Where are they now? - Kirk Williams and Andrea Corbridge (Williams)

The most recent picture that I have of us, with Mt. Shuksan is in the background
Kirk actually graduated from Golden High School, but he took his pictures for our yearbook before he left, bought a yearbook, and was there for signing day. So since we both attended Sky View, I thought I’d post for both of us.

As for me, I always thought that we would end up with at least two kids and I would be a stay at home mom. Boy was I wrong! Our kids are fuzzy… Prancing “Freya” Aphrodite is our 8 year old Shetland sheepdog and “Cleopatra” is our 16 year old cat. We love them dearly. Unfortunately I have recently learned that I’m allergic to cats so Cleopatra will be our last. :-(

After graduating, I met a guy who later went on a mission and then while writing to him I realized that we had almost nothing in common. Kirk and I started going out as friends, which soon turned into more than friends. I moved with his family to California, which I’m told everyone was against, and then two months later Kirk went on his mission to Dallas, TX. I continued to stay at the Williams house and Kirk was sent home about 5-6 months later due to some medical issues. Meanwhile I had hurt my neck in an “on the job” injury and so both of us were injured and unemployed when we married a few months later.

When Kirk’s parent moved to Washington, naturally we followed. (California was way too expensive for two unemployed young people.) We both found jobs soon after we arrived in Bellingham, WA and found our own place. We bought our first house in 1992 and have been there since.

We both started our careers in retail sales selling various things like men's clothing, furniture, appliances, computers, cell phones, sewing machines, and hot tubs. I even took a brief stint as a loan officer for a mortgage broker. I think the only thing I haven’t sold is a vehicle! And NO mine is not for sale! Kirk did sell vehicles for a couple months until the first gulf war killed the business.

Kirk’s real specialty is computers. He started out selling them, and then became an expert in building them. Unfortunately, he has had medical issues and has had to quit having a formal job. It was pretty rough for a while. Some of you are aware that he has had some pretty nasty migraines since he was 8. He was diagnosed with atypical chronic cluster headache our senior year. When we moved to Bellingham, he had a pretty long remission from them. But in June of 93, they came roaring back and stuck around for a year and a half. He had a month and a half remission and then they came back again. During the year and a half, family pretty much dragged him kicking and screaming into applying for Social Security Disability (SSD). His last remission ended about 5 and a half years ago now and frankly I do not know how he deals with so much pain. He would say, “What choice do I have?”

In ‘96, during a remission I believe, Kirk had an idea for a marketing medium for the Internet and we began to build web pages. I picked up a book to learn HTML and that was pretty simple. I hadn’t done any real computer programming since High School so we hired a local company to add the code necessary to complete the database integration work. The company did not deliver the solution as it was specified, so I bought a couple books, learned ASP and T-SQL and we launched the website about 6 months later. The website didn’t really turn out the way we thought it would but it was a good show piece and allowed me to make a full career change.

After the site launched, we were seriously running out of money and up to our eye balls in debt so I went looking for a job. I landed a contract job at Microsoft and worked in a couple different projects. I moved on to free-lancing for a small web design firm and landed a couple other projects big and small.

After completing a three year project, I couldn’t bear the thought of having to look for another project. I joined the staff of a local grocery store chain here in Bellingham, WA. Starting as a .Net developer, I was promoted to Project Manager within four months. Recently I was promoted to Project Management Office (PMO) Director. All developers now report to me. It’s a small team of 2 on-site and 5 off-shore people.

Additionally, I have just been asked and have accepted the appointment of VP Communications for the local PMI (Project Management Institute) chapter. There is a lot of experience behind the local chapter and I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to continue to learn from the people involved in the PMI community.

Kirk has continued to have medical problems and is now a house husband. He continues to build all the computers for our small business and helps friends with their computers. At one time we had eight computers in the house with all the different setups that I needed for testing the applications I would build.

Kirk has also been writing a fantasy novel on and off over the years and has 14 chapters for his first book. Those who have had the privileged to read it, REALLY wants him to finish the book because we really want to know what happens next, me included!

I think that probably the important things in our lives are each other. We have been there for each other in good times and bad. I never would have made the career change nor could I have come as far in my new career without Kirk’s urging me and telling me that “You can do it!” even though I thought that I couldn’t possibly.

Cleopatra and Freya cuddling in Kirk's lap

Where are they now? - Tami Isaacson

I moved to Vermont right after graduation and was a nanny. I stayed there for a year and a half. I then moved back to Cache Valley long enough to remember why I did not like Utah. I packed my bags and moved to Arizona a few months later and spent from August of 1989 until December of 2005 there (so basically the next 16 years there). I married my first husband in 1992, he passed away Jan 1, 2004 of an asthma attack. We had 4 girls together Morgan 12, Rachel 11, Nicolette 9 and Sarah 8.

I had a stupid streak and married my 2nd husband in November of 2005 who also happened to live in Utah and with much kicking and screaming (I hate the snow and the Utard attitude) moved back to Utah in Dec of 2005. That marriage lasted a total of 7 weeks (don't laugh it could happen to YOU!). I had my 5th child and only son in November of 2006, Jacob 20 months.

Prior to moving here I spent the last 17 years as a professional photographer. I married into that business with my first husband and when he died I put that on hold to raise my kids. Although I do a few 'jobs' here and there my kids come first!! With the loss my parents within 6 years of each other and the death of a spouse (which really was not as bad as it sounds) my siblings and I found that by becoming closer as a family we were able to cope well and remain and be strong for each other when we needed it the most. We also found out who our friends really are and sometimes you never know what a good friend you have until you face difficult times!

I spend my free time hanging with my kids scuba diving, traveling, having lots of laughs with friends, enjoying anything outdoors, volleyball, baseball, football and UFC! Life has thrown me a lot of ups and downs, most of which would make others find themselves in a rubber room with a white suit on! I became smarter through all of these interesting experiences and have learned a lot more about myself than I actually really wanted to! Some of it has been good some bad! I thankfully have been able to handle them all without cracking. I found strength where I did not know it existed and found that I am nothing like I was in High School (THANK GOD!).

I have run into a few classmates and alumni from different years than ours some remember me, some don't. I was known for being quiet and a book worm and one who never broke the "rules".....anyone who knows me now is astonished that I was ever that way. They would have never guessed I was quiet or that I followed the rest of the crowd or the rules for that matter!! I have become through my experiences extremely blunt and honest. I tend to make my own rules and if you don't like it well that's OK it won't make me change! Some people can't handle that and find it strange. And I'm OK with that!

I currently live in Sandy with my roommate Deb (no we are not lesbians) and her 7 kids...yes that's right there are 12 kids in our household! She tells me I'm the best wife she's ever had :-) and while the arrangement boggles many of our friends minds (specifically they wonder how we stay sane!) It works very, very well for us! There is never a dull moment at our house! It blows my mind that we have been out for 20 years! I am looking forward to seeing everyone that can attend our 20th reunion.

Where are they now? - Monica Clark (Miles)

Hello everyone! Here is a condensed version of my life since graduating…

The summer of 1988 I went and worked in Yellowstone during the fires as a Telephone Operator (Becky Low was there too). I worked in West Yellowstone at the airport with people from all over the country. It was an awesome experience!

That Fall I went to USU and started volunteering with the Special Olympics team there and soon became the Head Coach of the Bridgerland Special Olympics team. I met my husband, Dan, when he came to volunteer too. I graduated in 1992 with a degree in Special Education and a Minor in Accounting.

After Dan graduated from USU we moved to Bountiful. After coaching the team for 8 years I passed the team on to another coach and became the North Area Director for the Utah Special Olympics for a few years. I enjoyed organizing and running the area competitions and events.

In 1999, we designed and built our home and have lived in North Salt Lake ever since. I started my own business in 2003. It was an Hourly Child Care Center here in Bountiful. We didn’t do full time day care just hourly for moms/dads who needed care here and there. It was very successful but I got tired of it so after almost 5 years I closed it.

That brings us up to now…I have 3 kids.
Josh (15) plays competition soccer and is a lifeguard at the Bountiful Rec Center. You will never see him or his brother without their cell phones either texting or talking to ‘cute girls’.
Brandon (14) does karate and just started acting. He has been in 2 movies so far!
And my youngest, Sami (8) enjoys swimming, figure skating and gymnastics. They keep us very busy!

Dan is a Project Manager at a company that provides software for international airlines and I am currently a Part Time Independent Marketing Director for a large corporation and Full Time Mom/Homemaker/Domestic Engineer – what are we called these days?

As a family we love to be busy. We like to travel – our favorite place is Disneyland and Park City where we have a condo. We also like to hike, play games, watch movies, play racquetball, swim and just hang out together. My personal favorite thing to do is soak in a hot tub with a good suspense novel, ice water and chocolate.

I think my most embarrassing moment of school is my hair. I never knew how to work with the frizzy mess! And a word to the wise…’sun in’ only makes brown hair orange!! My most memorable senior memory was going to Hawaii with the Vistauns. We had a great time! There wasn’t any one person who influenced me - more like many people and friends who have given me some great memories.

I wasn’t able to attend any other reunions so I am looking forward to seeing everyone there - or at least reading about everyone on this blog! You can email me if you’d like at Thanks to everyone for putting all this together.

Where are they now? - Torrie Lutz (Valentine)

After graduation went to work for Herff Jones yearbooks for 16 years. Got married Aug 21 1992, had my first kid June 19th 1993 Kayceey Lyn then January 16, 1998 had my twins Kylee and Ashlee weighing 7lbs 4 oz and 7lbs 9 oz I carried almost 15lbs of kids. Then Aug 2003 moved to Star Valley Wyoming my husband went into business with his brother doing heating and air conditioning. I worked a few jobs here and there and currently employed at M&M motors as the finance manager.

I have been working on the past 4 years changing my appearance. Most people remember me as the fat kid well I was. On May 9 2004 I had gastric by pass surgery and have lost over 200lbs. And with all that weight loss of course the saggy skin came in. So I have had a but lift and tummy tuck and on July 3 2008 I will go have my upper body done. So I will be a whole new person. That has been my highlight of the years gone by. I can’t wait to see everyone and see how they have changed and what they are doing in their lives. The picture is of me and my family and daughter's boyfriend when we went to Lagoon.

Where are they now? - Jay Thomson

Currently I am a teacher at Box Elder Middle School. Whoever said that teachers have the summer off did not know one. This week I am taking a class, where I am active in aligning our school courses with the state core curriculum. If that doesn’t sound like excitement, then zzzz… I am a math teacher, the question I get is why math? Some days I ask myself the same question. I really do enjoy teaching, especially when I am helping a student and they have one of those ah ha moments (the light goes on) and they understand the concept.

My wife is Trina Kirby Thomson (class of ’91). Trina and I met at institute choir at USU. I asked her out she turned me down and the rest is history. She said yes the second time six months later, I had to get my fragile nerves back.
Trina will start teaching again this fall, time out to raise four boys. She will be teaching at a charter school in Ogden.

Caleb is my oldest he had his third birthday last February and is 12 years old. And he’s a math teacher yes Caleb was born on the 29th a leap year baby. Caleb loves music, school and sports.

Steven came along second he will be 10 on the 17th of September. Steven is all about sports all the time and he thinks that he can win any competition. I love his competitive spirit.

Isaac was my summer solstice baby, birthday is on this Saturday June 21st and he is going to be turning 7. Isaac loves to torment his brothers and in doing so torments his parents. He teases and teases until someone is crying and running to their mother for comfort or to tell on their sibling.

Garrett is my baby and he will be four in August. He loves to cuddle more with his mom than his dad but I will take my turn when I can, that is when mom is not available. He still likes to be read to so I do more of that during the summer.

We live in Brigham City and have been here seven years. We moved here when Trina was nine months pregnant. We unloaded the truck and a week later Trina unloaded Isaac, I mean he was born.

Places that I have lived since high school. My first move after high school was going on a mission. I served in the Australia Melbourne Mission (pronunciation guide Melbun). I served part of my time on the island state of Tasmania. Loved the mission it was an awesome experience.

When I got married I move to Logan to continue school at USU. Trina graduated before I did, so you know who the smart one is, she started teaching while I finished school (a lot of people go to school for seven, eight years, plus two years for grad school, yes just two years). Note graduate work was done at USU.

Graduating from college meant it was time for another move. Home in Heyburn Idaho first real teaching job was at East Minico Junior High in Rupert. Heyburn is between Rupert and Burley for those of you that care.

From Idaho to Brigham City with no moves planned. I am not moving the piano again that is in the agreement.

My Bachelor’s and Master’s degree were both through Utah State University, a BS in Math Education and Masters of Education through the HPER.

My favorite pastimes are sports more as a spectator now than participating; I have coached basketball at both of the schools that I have taught at and loved it. If I can get in a round of golf these days I feel fortunate.

One of the things that I remember from high school is performing in the Front Porch Majority dinner show to raise money for our California trip. The guys all cut out shapes of cars from cardboard, painted and used them as props for a Beach Boys Medley that we performed.

One teacher that made a major impact on what I do today was Mr. Loveday a math teacher from middle school.

Where are they now? - Todd Andersen

I moved to Pocatello right after graduation to catch up with my family who moved there with 3 months left of school. I had the opportunity to live in an appartment on Utah State campus for those three months, then after a year of living in Pocatello, I went on an LDS mission to Minneapolis Minnesota. After I came home from there I lived in Pocatello for another 8 years. In that time I got married to my wife Wendy and along came my oldest boy Austin in 1996.

In the first part of 1999 we moved to Twin Falls and partied like it was 1999 and in 2000 came Then we moved to Idaho Falls in 2001 where I work for Mountain View Hospital as Hospital Services Representative. In other words I'm the hospital . . . Well this is just a real brief time line, if I told everything I'd have more novels than Harry Well, I hope this is sufficient if not just ask me and I will bore you with

Places Lived Since SVHS:
Pocatello, Idaho
Minneapolis MN
Pocatello ID
Twin Falls ID
Idaho Falls ID

Relationship Status:

Where are they now? - Janiel Cragun

Thank you to whoever arranged this website…. Burns? Excellent idea. So wonderful to see what people are doing and all the absolutely beautiful families! But I get sentimental at things like that.

As for the 20-year (“cough”) update: Graduated from USU in Liberal Arts and Sciences, but still had trouble narrowing down what to do in life. (Can you get any broader than Liberal Arts and Sciences?) Went on a mission to Florida, Tallahassee. Still trying to find a focus, I got a masters degree from USU in Human Resource Management. Then, a temporary lapse of sanity… went to medical school at the U of U. If you fail to see how I got from point A to point B to med school, you’re not alone. Next, I was off to Durham, North Carolina for residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Duke, but decided I wasn’t done (what’s wrong with me?). Currently, I’m in Tampa, Florida completing a fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology (women’s cancers) at the University of South Florida and Moffitt Cancer Center. I’ll finish in just a few weeks! DONE!

I’ll be taking my first faculty position at the University of Arizona School of Medicine (Tucson) this August in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a joint appointment at the Arizona Cancer Center. I feel very blessed with this position. I will be able to treat patients, but also continue research in women’s cancer. I have found working with my patients to be very rewarding and am so glad I finally figured out what to do with my life before another 20 years went by.

For inquiring minds: never married, no children, but did adopt a fat cat last year. I figure someone’s got to perpetuate the “over-35-single-female-covered-with-cat-hair” stereotype.

I try to keep embarrassing moments as repressed as I can. But I do remember hitting Dennis Hirst over the head with a Calculus book, in the middle of class, for doing something annoying. I’m sure he and I have different versions of what led up to my moment of desperation (or unprovoked attack in his version). The funny thing is Mr. Fife turned around from the blackboard and said, “Janiel! If you’re going to hit Dennis on the head, use one of the old text books in the closet….” Yeah, not one of my more mature or better moments. Sorry, Dennis. It was a pretty hard whack.

No way I could choose just one influential teacher. I think most of us would agree we had high quality teachers both in education and as role models. I think most of my quotes either come from Roylance (em-phA-sis on the wrong sy-llA-ble) or Fife (I say A, mean B, but write C). I remember Mr. Mullen having such patience with me when I just couldn’t get stoichiometry (actually broke down in tears…oh yeah, one of those embarrassing moments…. repress). Still have trouble calculating molarity.

Taking it back a few more years…one of the most influential teachers for me was Larry Larson. In 8th grade, he sent me to a workshop to encourage young women to go into science. Absolutely one of those moments where a teacher sparked an interest and gave me confidence to pursue scientific interests.

Honestly, can’t remember favorite moments. But I can remember A LOT of favorite people. So many that influenced me for the better and at the risk of sounding sappy, cheesy and nostalgic… many of you probably don’t even realize the positive effect you had in my life. If I tried to list everyone, I’d invariably forget someone or something…. so I won’t. I can honestly say reading through the list of classmates (yes, there are some I don’t remember), but overall…. only smiles and good memories come to mind (OK…. well, maybe a few glitches). I believe we had a most excellent class. I think of many of you from time to time, both those classmates I was close to and those who were casual associations. I wonder how you are and what you’re doing…

So, thanks for this website… excellent.

I will not be able to attend the reunion. If my opinion matters to anyone, I encourage others to post. The few I’ve read are so enjoyable, and for those of us who can’t come to the reunion, it is the only chance we have for an update and to feel connected. You may be surprised how many may be interested in your story.

I wish everyone well!