Where are they now? - Todd Andersen

I moved to Pocatello right after graduation to catch up with my family who moved there with 3 months left of school. I had the opportunity to live in an appartment on Utah State campus for those three months, then after a year of living in Pocatello, I went on an LDS mission to Minneapolis Minnesota. After I came home from there I lived in Pocatello for another 8 years. In that time I got married to my wife Wendy and along came my oldest boy Austin in 1996.

In the first part of 1999 we moved to Twin Falls and partied like it was 1999 and in 2000 came Andrew.....lol. Then we moved to Idaho Falls in 2001 where I work for Mountain View Hospital as Hospital Services Representative. In other words I'm the hospital . . . ..lol. Well this is just a real brief time line, if I told everything I'd have more novels than Harry Potter.....lol. Well, I hope this is sufficient if not just ask me and I will bore you with more....lol.

Places Lived Since SVHS:
Pocatello, Idaho
Minneapolis MN
Pocatello ID
Twin Falls ID
Idaho Falls ID

Relationship Status:

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