Where are they now? - Tami Isaacson

I moved to Vermont right after graduation and was a nanny. I stayed there for a year and a half. I then moved back to Cache Valley long enough to remember why I did not like Utah. I packed my bags and moved to Arizona a few months later and spent from August of 1989 until December of 2005 there (so basically the next 16 years there). I married my first husband in 1992, he passed away Jan 1, 2004 of an asthma attack. We had 4 girls together Morgan 12, Rachel 11, Nicolette 9 and Sarah 8.

I had a stupid streak and married my 2nd husband in November of 2005 who also happened to live in Utah and with much kicking and screaming (I hate the snow and the Utard attitude) moved back to Utah in Dec of 2005. That marriage lasted a total of 7 weeks (don't laugh it could happen to YOU!). I had my 5th child and only son in November of 2006, Jacob 20 months.

Prior to moving here I spent the last 17 years as a professional photographer. I married into that business with my first husband and when he died I put that on hold to raise my kids. Although I do a few 'jobs' here and there my kids come first!! With the loss my parents within 6 years of each other and the death of a spouse (which really was not as bad as it sounds) my siblings and I found that by becoming closer as a family we were able to cope well and remain and be strong for each other when we needed it the most. We also found out who our friends really are and sometimes you never know what a good friend you have until you face difficult times!

I spend my free time hanging with my kids scuba diving, traveling, having lots of laughs with friends, enjoying anything outdoors, volleyball, baseball, football and UFC! Life has thrown me a lot of ups and downs, most of which would make others find themselves in a rubber room with a white suit on! I became smarter through all of these interesting experiences and have learned a lot more about myself than I actually really wanted to! Some of it has been good some bad! I thankfully have been able to handle them all without cracking. I found strength where I did not know it existed and found that I am nothing like I was in High School (THANK GOD!).

I have run into a few classmates and alumni from different years than ours some remember me, some don't. I was known for being quiet and a book worm and one who never broke the "rules".....anyone who knows me now is astonished that I was ever that way. They would have never guessed I was quiet or that I followed the rest of the crowd or the rules for that matter!! I have become through my experiences extremely blunt and honest. I tend to make my own rules and if you don't like it well that's OK it won't make me change! Some people can't handle that and find it strange. And I'm OK with that!

I currently live in Sandy with my roommate Deb (no we are not lesbians) and her 7 kids...yes that's right there are 12 kids in our household! She tells me I'm the best wife she's ever had :-) and while the arrangement boggles many of our friends minds (specifically they wonder how we stay sane!) It works very, very well for us! There is never a dull moment at our house! It blows my mind that we have been out for 20 years! I am looking forward to seeing everyone that can attend our 20th reunion.

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