Where are they now? - Janiel Cragun

Thank you to whoever arranged this website…. Burns? Excellent idea. So wonderful to see what people are doing and all the absolutely beautiful families! But I get sentimental at things like that.

As for the 20-year (“cough”) update: Graduated from USU in Liberal Arts and Sciences, but still had trouble narrowing down what to do in life. (Can you get any broader than Liberal Arts and Sciences?) Went on a mission to Florida, Tallahassee. Still trying to find a focus, I got a masters degree from USU in Human Resource Management. Then, a temporary lapse of sanity… went to medical school at the U of U. If you fail to see how I got from point A to point B to med school, you’re not alone. Next, I was off to Durham, North Carolina for residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Duke, but decided I wasn’t done (what’s wrong with me?). Currently, I’m in Tampa, Florida completing a fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology (women’s cancers) at the University of South Florida and Moffitt Cancer Center. I’ll finish in just a few weeks! DONE!

I’ll be taking my first faculty position at the University of Arizona School of Medicine (Tucson) this August in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a joint appointment at the Arizona Cancer Center. I feel very blessed with this position. I will be able to treat patients, but also continue research in women’s cancer. I have found working with my patients to be very rewarding and am so glad I finally figured out what to do with my life before another 20 years went by.

For inquiring minds: never married, no children, but did adopt a fat cat last year. I figure someone’s got to perpetuate the “over-35-single-female-covered-with-cat-hair” stereotype.

I try to keep embarrassing moments as repressed as I can. But I do remember hitting Dennis Hirst over the head with a Calculus book, in the middle of class, for doing something annoying. I’m sure he and I have different versions of what led up to my moment of desperation (or unprovoked attack in his version). The funny thing is Mr. Fife turned around from the blackboard and said, “Janiel! If you’re going to hit Dennis on the head, use one of the old text books in the closet….” Yeah, not one of my more mature or better moments. Sorry, Dennis. It was a pretty hard whack.

No way I could choose just one influential teacher. I think most of us would agree we had high quality teachers both in education and as role models. I think most of my quotes either come from Roylance (em-phA-sis on the wrong sy-llA-ble) or Fife (I say A, mean B, but write C). I remember Mr. Mullen having such patience with me when I just couldn’t get stoichiometry (actually broke down in tears…oh yeah, one of those embarrassing moments…. repress). Still have trouble calculating molarity.

Taking it back a few more years…one of the most influential teachers for me was Larry Larson. In 8th grade, he sent me to a workshop to encourage young women to go into science. Absolutely one of those moments where a teacher sparked an interest and gave me confidence to pursue scientific interests.

Honestly, can’t remember favorite moments. But I can remember A LOT of favorite people. So many that influenced me for the better and at the risk of sounding sappy, cheesy and nostalgic… many of you probably don’t even realize the positive effect you had in my life. If I tried to list everyone, I’d invariably forget someone or something…. so I won’t. I can honestly say reading through the list of classmates (yes, there are some I don’t remember), but overall…. only smiles and good memories come to mind (OK…. well, maybe a few glitches). I believe we had a most excellent class. I think of many of you from time to time, both those classmates I was close to and those who were casual associations. I wonder how you are and what you’re doing…

So, thanks for this website… excellent.

I will not be able to attend the reunion. If my opinion matters to anyone, I encourage others to post. The few I’ve read are so enjoyable, and for those of us who can’t come to the reunion, it is the only chance we have for an update and to feel connected. You may be surprised how many may be interested in your story.

I wish everyone well!

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