Where are they now? - Jay Thomson

Currently I am a teacher at Box Elder Middle School. Whoever said that teachers have the summer off did not know one. This week I am taking a class, where I am active in aligning our school courses with the state core curriculum. If that doesn’t sound like excitement, then zzzz… I am a math teacher, the question I get is why math? Some days I ask myself the same question. I really do enjoy teaching, especially when I am helping a student and they have one of those ah ha moments (the light goes on) and they understand the concept.

My wife is Trina Kirby Thomson (class of ’91). Trina and I met at institute choir at USU. I asked her out she turned me down and the rest is history. She said yes the second time six months later, I had to get my fragile nerves back.
Trina will start teaching again this fall, time out to raise four boys. She will be teaching at a charter school in Ogden.

Caleb is my oldest he had his third birthday last February and is 12 years old. And he’s a math teacher yes Caleb was born on the 29th a leap year baby. Caleb loves music, school and sports.

Steven came along second he will be 10 on the 17th of September. Steven is all about sports all the time and he thinks that he can win any competition. I love his competitive spirit.

Isaac was my summer solstice baby, birthday is on this Saturday June 21st and he is going to be turning 7. Isaac loves to torment his brothers and in doing so torments his parents. He teases and teases until someone is crying and running to their mother for comfort or to tell on their sibling.

Garrett is my baby and he will be four in August. He loves to cuddle more with his mom than his dad but I will take my turn when I can, that is when mom is not available. He still likes to be read to so I do more of that during the summer.

We live in Brigham City and have been here seven years. We moved here when Trina was nine months pregnant. We unloaded the truck and a week later Trina unloaded Isaac, I mean he was born.

Places that I have lived since high school. My first move after high school was going on a mission. I served in the Australia Melbourne Mission (pronunciation guide Melbun). I served part of my time on the island state of Tasmania. Loved the mission it was an awesome experience.

When I got married I move to Logan to continue school at USU. Trina graduated before I did, so you know who the smart one is, she started teaching while I finished school (a lot of people go to school for seven, eight years, plus two years for grad school, yes just two years). Note graduate work was done at USU.

Graduating from college meant it was time for another move. Home in Heyburn Idaho first real teaching job was at East Minico Junior High in Rupert. Heyburn is between Rupert and Burley for those of you that care.

From Idaho to Brigham City with no moves planned. I am not moving the piano again that is in the agreement.

My Bachelor’s and Master’s degree were both through Utah State University, a BS in Math Education and Masters of Education through the HPER.

My favorite pastimes are sports more as a spectator now than participating; I have coached basketball at both of the schools that I have taught at and loved it. If I can get in a round of golf these days I feel fortunate.

One of the things that I remember from high school is performing in the Front Porch Majority dinner show to raise money for our California trip. The guys all cut out shapes of cars from cardboard, painted and used them as props for a Beach Boys Medley that we performed.

One teacher that made a major impact on what I do today was Mr. Loveday a math teacher from middle school.

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