Where are they now? - Tony Jewkes

(Long and uninsightful- you may want to grab a snack and something interesting to read)

It’s been 20 years? Hmmm, seems longer than that.
Since 1988 and my days as a proud Bobcat I served a mission in the great South Dakota Rapid City Mission, certainly not the most exotic or exciting but do you remember me being exotic or exciting? No need to respond thank you very much.

Following the mission I attended USU … and even graduated. While at USU I had the opportunity to serve in the LDSSA organization and then was fortunate enough to achieve my 287th greatest lifetime desire- to serve with my good friend and comrade David Butterfield, in what had to have been one of the greatest political machines in the history of government, at least as far as we were concerned. The school is still in operation following our terms and what happened to the football team wasn’t completely my fault.

Prior to and following graduation procured a lofty position within the Athletics department, working full-time in the marketing office. Still single at the time I focused all my spare time to help my “Aggieness” reached unprecedented heights.

After two years at USU, I became a T-Bird and joined Southern Utah Univ’s athletics department as an assistant AD. Still single and closing in on the ripe old age of 28, I kept faint hope alive for this beautiful and amazing woman I was somehow dating. Having managed to keep this girl from Logan somewhat interested in me for a year and a half, I finally asked her to marry me (while we were on a break no less). To my surprise and after considerable and uneasy thought on her part, she accepted. This month we celebrated our 10th anniversary. Her name is Crystal (Larsen) – Logan High Class of ’91 and she’s still way out of my league.

We have been blessed with three amazingly awesome and beautiful children that we adore and can’t get enough of - Elle (age 6), McKay (age 4) and Kesley (Almost 2)

After nearly five years at SUU and Masters of Education degrees under our belts we moved to Utah County when I accepted the Director of Athletic Marketing position at BYU. Yes, you heard right, life-long hated, despised and wretched Cougars (My parents are finally beginning to speak to me again but I don’t think some people like Burns Israelsen and Wes Hoth have still come to terms with it). I do hold the distinction of being the only person on the planet to have the responsibility of marketing a losing BYU Football program. Guess my time and experience with the Aggies did serve a purpose.

In 2006 I transitioned to my current role working for ISP Sports, a North Carolina-based company that is the media rights holder for nearly 60 collegiate properties, including BYU where I serve as an Asst. VP and the General Manager of the property. We hold the rights to other schools such as UCLA, Cal, Washington, Georgia, Auburn, Florida State, Notre Dame, etc.
We live in Spanish Fork and my wife Crystal teaches a secondary education class at BYU one night each week.

Is there anyone still reading this? If so, surely you have better things to do with your time.

I still am in love with the game of golf although I don’t play nearly as much as I used to. Nearly all of my free time is spent at home where I love to be, with my family, working on projects around our house or in the yard.

Most Embarrassing/Funniest Moment in HS?

Like what? Jr. Prom? Something other than having my dad’s beautifully restored 1952 Cadillac break down in Cove (which at the time seemed to be near edge of the earth) in Melissa White’s front yard. Finding Dana Johnson and Darci Munk standing outside this huge cloud of steam, smoke or whatever gas it was, that engulfed and hid the car from view. Then Melissa’s mindful and very kind father backed out of their garage in what I recall to be a car with ski racks still on top, put it in park, remove the ski racks, then walk over and hand me the keys and tell us to have a good time. What a great man!
But wait, there’s more. Yes, there is more.
Then, the next morning, before 6:30 am, my dad woke me up to make the trek from North Logan to Cove to retrieve this idiot vehicle which totally failed me just a mere 11 and a half hours earlier. I love my dad, but to add insult to injury, he revved this rather loud engine repeatedly over and over and over. What it accomplished, I still have no idea. I’m quite sure it not only woke up the entire White family on a lovely and peaceful Sunday morning but the Sadler family as well which lived 8.7 miles up the canyon.

So did I have any embarrassing moments? Na.

Most Influential people?

Without question, Darven Erickson, Dana Johnson and Wade Lindley. My best friends who were all outstanding influences…. mostly for good.
There are many others that are remembered and appreciated such as golf coach Jim Mullen and his tidbits of golf philosophy, they are still guiding principles in my life today. I was also influenced by Mr. Andreason’s geometrically impossible hairdo. Although I’ve made several attempts to replicate it, as advancing years have necessitated, I have failed miserably in all such attempts. How he did it is still one of the great mysteries of our time.

Others include Principal Chambers, Fletch, Camp Team Advisor, Sherman Lindhardt, Sherman T. Potter, Vida, many Seminary teachers, Jim Swarthow, the three people, other than myself, that actually voted for me in my bid to become Student body VP, Danny Noonan, the six people that realized we actually had a golf team (that includes the 13 members of the team), Long Duck Dong, The Where’s the Beef lady, Alan Stanwyk, Jester, the guy that froze snickers bars at Birch Creek, Igor Stravinski, Judge Smails and my ’62 Chevy Impala that I still miss to this day.

Memorable Moments?

Besides the Jr. Prom and the broken car? Too many to name. I loved my time at SV. Highlights include the times spent with my friends, seminary council, golf team, football’s run through the state playoffs, camp team, making out everyday in the halls with really hot girls, throwing stuff off the bridge with Tommy Callahan, etc.

I’m looking forward to seeing all who can make it Aug. 2nd.

Thanks to Darven, Burns, Butterfield, Beckie, Lynley, Missy, Wade, Matt, Charlie and others for all your efforts. You are awesome!

Me and my ISP Staff on the bench at a BYU football game (real or not

Me on the 18th tee at Pebble Beach last year

Judge Smails

Long Duk Dong

Fletch II


Valerie said...

And you'd think that they'd have kicked you off the seminary council for all that lascivious behavior. And a different girl every day, at that! (But never me, Tony. Sigh.) ;)

Deanna said...

OK, I'm not Deanna. Deanna is my wife, but I don't know how to change the name on the blogger thing. Tony, Isn't it interesting that two of the classmates who had the oldest cars STILL wished they had those cars to this day? Crap, I don't know why I didn't keep my '64 Chevy Bel Aire. Yours was at least restored during high school and mine was a grandma car, but I would die to have it restored and sitting in my garage right now. One of those many regrets we have in life-----! Wade L.