Where are they now? - Wade Lindley

It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years since we graduated from high school. I enjoyed my high school days and don't look back on them with regret or shame. I had great friends in high school and I'm indebted to them for how they treated me and what they did for me.

After high school I went to Weber State to play football, and I guess to go to school. I only went to the first quarter of school before going on a mission to Sydney, Australia. I had a great mission and was fortunate to serve 2 months with Dave Butterfield as companions. We went on our missions the same day and it was fun to serve with him and talk about our days growing up. After returning from Australia I immediately went back to Weber State and played 3 more years of football. Because I couldn't decide what I wanted to do in life I had to spend an extra year at Weber State as I finished up my education degree in physical education.

I have been teaching PE and coaching at Logan High School for 12 years. I get asked all of the time why I would want to teach and coach at Logan. The real answer is that that is where there was a job available at the time. I actually really like it there. I'm currently the 9th grade football coach and have been doing that for 5 years now. I also teach driver education as many of you may see me driving around Cache Valley in a driver education car.

The first year while teaching at Logan I got set up on a blind date by Kelly Anthon. She set me up with a mission companion of hers. Deanna Scott was originally from the Cody area of Wyoming, but moved to Las Vegas when she was in high school. We dated for a few weeks and got engaged and married within 3 months. We have 3 active boys, Ryan 8, Colby 6, and Taylor 2. We are beginning to be busy parents with youth sports, piano, and scouts becoming regular events in our lives.

I also spend much of my free time farming. Since being the youngest in my family, I have taken the reigns of my father's farm. I'm currently farming about 300 acres of alfalfa and grain. I have some steers as well, but being on a tractor and irrigating the crops consumes most of my time.

I really enjoyed my high school days. I had excellent teachers as this is probably one of the main reasons I got into education myself. I really enjoyed Mrs. Evans as she taught the parenting class. Mr. Churchill was also an excellent teacher and I looked forward to his class each day. Some of the memories I have of high school are: 1) The remarkable football season we had which ended 3 points shy of a state championship. 2) The camping club. 3) Going to Mrs. Hansen's room to watch the news of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. 4) Christy Sullivan calling the police on Dana, Darven, Tony, and I as Dana pulled through the drive-thru of Hardee's backwards. She thought it would be funny!! 5) Spending 95% of Senior Oswald's Spanish 2 class building a damn concha shell for the beauty pageant he would put on every year. Darven, I still can't speak Spanish--How about you?

I would rather not spend a lot of time on the most embarrassing moments. All I will say about that is that the football injury I had at the beginning of my senior year was not a pulled hamstring or a broken arm which got reported. It was much worse than that!

Take care everybody and I look forward to seeing you at the reunion. Please don't be offended if I don't remember your name---I have to learn 250 student's names every year and it is all my brain can handle.