Where are they now? - Dana Johnson

I’ve enjoyed so much the few that have already posted their info on the blog I thought I’d turn a new leaf and get some info to Burns quickly to return the favor. I’m sure most will feel the same…so post a quick snapshot of your last 20 years for all of us to enjoy.

After serving a mission to Argentina I graduated from USU (found my wife Anne Christensen while there) and joined the Air Force in ‘95. I went to flight school initially with the Navy in Pensacola FL, and ended my training in Texas. I've flown the C-130 Hercules most of my career in the Air Force and seen many beautiful places, and many "not so beautiful" places. We've lived in TexasX3, FloridaX2, Alaska, Arkansas, Washington D.C., and we currently live in El Salvador. I’m the Air Force rep in country where I have about 5 different bosses, the most important of which is the Ambassador.

My beautiful wife Anne and I have 4 kids (2 boys and 2 girls). We've enjoyed every location we've been throughout the years, and hope to get another “overseas” assignment following this one...if the kids agree to it. Life in the military has been with some challenges, but these challenges are far overshadowed by the many opportunities to travel and make lifelong friends from so many different places and backgrounds.

One thing I have to say is that we have missed being closer to family and friends throughout the years, but we do travel quite often to see them. I have personally missed the beauty of Cache Valley, yes, even the smelly "cow-enriched" air on a cool summer's night driving in the jeep with the top off through Amalga, Benson, Lewiston, Richmond, and Smithfield). After traveling and seeing so many places, Cache Valley is still one of the most beautiful places I know. The visits back to Utah are always fun, special, and much anticipated.

This 20-year reunion that Darven is heading up, with the help of many others (thanks to you all) has made our summer visit back to Cache Valley even more anticipated.Hopefully you all will come who are able. I surely plan to do so. I look forward to seeing you all there!

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