Where are they now? - Torrie Lutz (Valentine)

After graduation went to work for Herff Jones yearbooks for 16 years. Got married Aug 21 1992, had my first kid June 19th 1993 Kayceey Lyn then January 16, 1998 had my twins Kylee and Ashlee weighing 7lbs 4 oz and 7lbs 9 oz I carried almost 15lbs of kids. Then Aug 2003 moved to Star Valley Wyoming my husband went into business with his brother doing heating and air conditioning. I worked a few jobs here and there and currently employed at M&M motors as the finance manager.

I have been working on the past 4 years changing my appearance. Most people remember me as the fat kid well I was. On May 9 2004 I had gastric by pass surgery and have lost over 200lbs. And with all that weight loss of course the saggy skin came in. So I have had a but lift and tummy tuck and on July 3 2008 I will go have my upper body done. So I will be a whole new person. That has been my highlight of the years gone by. I can’t wait to see everyone and see how they have changed and what they are doing in their lives. The picture is of me and my family and daughter's boyfriend when we went to Lagoon.


Anonymous said...

hey Torrie,

I don't know if you remember me, but when i read your blog/post, i just am really happy for you. that is a lot that you have been through and still going through but i bet you look great and i cant wait till the reunion, you are going to blow everyone away.

Jeanette (Benson) Buttars

Anonymous said...

wow! Good for you Torrie! Brandon and and I will be at the reunion. It's been a long time since Herff Jones. Can't wait to see you. Wendy (wood) Chadwick

Anonymous said...

Torrie that's amazing! My friend just had that done and the pounds are just flying off of her! Although she's struggling with the mental effects that has on someone she knows it's going to be worth it! I really would love to talk to you about it contact me at Lv4scuba@yahoo.com