Where are they now? - Wendy Wood (Chadwick)

I got married to a great guy, Brandon, shortly after High School and have been happily married for nineteen years. I have a son, Jesse (19) and a daughter, Brandi (11). My son is studying to be a Chef and has an internship in San Francisco starting next spring.

I caught the traveling bug early on. My husband and I moved to Flagstaff AZ to help a fledgling printing company get up and running. While there, we visited the Grand Canyon, Indian reservations, and Las Vegas several times. We chose to move back to Utah so I could finish school rather than signing new contracts.

After settling back in, I started working as a Probation Officer for the state of Utah, soon realizing; no matter what I did; I just do not fit in in Utah. (Just like High School).

My family took a cruise to the Bahamas and it absolutely changed our lives. Upon returning home, I convinced my husband we needed to sell everything we had and move to the Bahamas.
We bought an RV for months later, traveled cross-country twice, bought a 38' yacht in Florida and off we went.

While there, my husband received his Captain's license and worked aboard a research vessel taking core samples of the ocean floor. I did not work, but at the same time,have never worked harder in my life. Learning to live successfully on the water was a challenge. It was an amazing experience! The Bahamian people are amazing! The beaches are amazing!

Hurricane season chased us back to land and we found ourselves in Murfreesboro TN. Tornado season chased us out of there and here we are, back in Cache Valley. I am working for Probation again, regrouping here for awhile before moving on to the West Coast. Our goal is to sell our current boat and buy a sailboat to live on off the coast of either Oregon or Washington.

I think my most embarrassing moment in High School has to be my entire Sophomore year. I was really trying to break the fashion mold that year. I had a shiny, silver parachute pantsuit with red zippers that I wore with pride. I think I was the only one that had one. I convinced myself that all the looks I was getting was jealously and admiration even though deep down I think knew I was committing a terrible fashion faux pas.

My most memorable and influential teacher throughout school has to be my Orchestra teacher, Mr. Allred. He began teaching me to play the Viola in 4th grade and ended up teaching me several life lessons along the way.

My most memorable event senior year has to be Graduation. For the first time, I felt a part of the collective whole. That night I was not a self-imposed misfit. Playing the Graduation march with the Orchestra while the class walked down the isle was a great experience. I was proud of all of us for getting through school and am proud to be a part of the Class of 88.


Anonymous said...

hey wendy,

I was hoping you didnt mind me sharing that story about us, I just could'nt think of any other embarrasing stories, cant wait to see you at the reunion, its been along time. I am pretty sure jeneil is coming too. We will have to catch up.

Jeanette B.

Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy,

We noticed on the skyview blog that your name changed to black, does that mean your not coming to the reunion any more :( will you respond back as soon as possible to let us know whats up thanks
Jeanette and Jeneil