Where are they now? - Camille Rawlings (Hekking)

Although I did not graduate from Sky View, I feel more comfortable with all of you than with the Logan High crowd. I'm excited to attend the reunion and see everyone that will be there. After high school I moved to Salt Lake with my parents. I went to Snow College with my cousin Debbie (Wiser) and we had a lot of fun. After college I worked at a medical clinic for 10 years. While there, I worked in the records dept., physical therapy, and finally data entry/billing dept. It was a really fun job and I made lots of good friends. I met my awesome hubby, Tony, at Lake Powell and we have been married for 16 yrs now. We have 2 sons... Cameron(9) and Parker (4). After a long haul of infertility, we adopted Cameron, he is so funny and I like to say that he is 9 going on 19... he is quite the social kid and has to know everything that's going on around us and he talks A LOT!!!!! We put in our papers for a 2nd adoption and waited patiently... nothing really happened.

Just before Thanksgiving in 2003, I just wasn't feeling very well for a while so I went to the doctor and told him my symptoms and he said I had an ulcer, gave me some pills and a list of foods to avoid (that's not what you want a few days before Thanksgiving). The ulcer seemed to subside a little but I was having other problems too so long story short, the ulcer turned out to be a baby and by the time we found out I was actually pregnant I was already 3-1/2 months along. How crazy is that? I always HATED hearing 2 things when we were going through the infertility stuff... "Just adopt and you'll end up getting pregnant" and... "I didn't even know I was pregnant" And now, I'm living proof of those 2 things. Go figure. We love our sons and they could not be more opposite from each other if they tried to so it keeps life very interesting.

Right now we live in Salt Lake. My husband works for the county and I work 2 days a week at the front desk at a hotel. It's actually pretty fun and I have lots of entertaining stories about the crazy people that come to stay there. When I read some of the things that others have posted, I feel like my life has been pretty boring. I haven't traveled much except to Hawaii (where I was sick for 5 of the 7 days and stuck in the condo). And I don't have any great degrees or any successful business but I am happy with where I'm at now and I do have an amazing, blessed life.

I can't wait to come to the reunion and have fun. 20 freakin' years... how did that happen??? Here's to 20 more.


Valerie said...

Camille, it's great to read your update. I'm glad you consider yourself more a part of SV than LHS. (I'm pretty clueless and wrapped up in myself, but I didn't even realize you had gone to Logan.)

Your boys are cuties!

Tiffany Ervin said...

You rock Camille! Love your story and your photos...Ha ha, I got to read about your life first - guess it's my turn to email you now. :) Great talking to you! We'll chat soon!

Anonymous said...

Camille, you are such a sweetheart!! It was great to see you last night...I'm so glad I decided to go!