Where are they now? - Billye Sue Francis (White)

Ok, so I just listened to the song"1985" on the radio. People... when they start making nostalgic songs about your years in high school, you know you are getting OLD! I'm excited for the reunion, and glad for the chance to catch up with everyone!

A quick rundown of my life since high school... I went to college at USU and got my degree in elementary education. During that time I married Jim White (graduated 1984 from SV) and built a house in North Logan. I taught first grade for four years; one in Tremonton and three in North Logan. I then quit teaching, moved to Smithfield, and started teaching preschool in my home seven years ago. I have five children; Lauri (17), Blake (15), Justin (10), Kelsea (7), and Caleb (5). I love being a mom, and am lucky to have such awesome and beautiful children!

I mentioned living in Smithfield. Yep, I can hear the band practicing from my house. As for SV hill... we fought to keep it, but lost. Sorry folks, it's coming down (sniff). It's strange going to parent teacher conferences at Sky View with my kids, seeing teachers still there who taught us, teachers who we were classmates with (Missy and Matt, keep up the good work!), and finding out the gym still smells the same. What's even stranger is teaching our old teacher's grand kids! I'll have Jan Hall's grandson and Mr. Mullen's granddaughter in my preschool next year. The circle of life.

Now for a little reminiscing... hmmmm. The one embarrassing moment that pops into mind is that dreaded first kiss. (No offense David) I was in the musical "Oklahoma", and had a scene where my character kisses David Butterfield's. Ok, so the scene comes up, and Mrs. Wharton tells David to kiss me. Laughter breaks out from the crowd behind us. Mrs. Wharton asks what's so funny, and they proceed to tell her that I had never kissed anyone. Yep, sweet 18 and never been kissed. (Jay and Brandon, stop laughing. It wasn't funny!) Needless to say we got through it, but not without turning us both red (You were red David, admit it). But hey, I've only kissed three guys... two from that play and my husband. That's not weird, is it??

I have to say the people who made a big difference for me in high school were my friends Michelle, Andrea, Tessie, Leslie, Angela, Heather...and many others! I would have had such a dull life without them. I would have spent my whole high school career doing homework and watching my younger brothers and sisters if it weren't for them insisting I take a little time off to go toilet papering, toothpasting cars, and hanging out at sock hops. Thanks for helping me have a childhood!!!

I hope more of you add to this blog. I love reading how you are doing and seeing how we're making it through this crazy life in all our different and unique ways. I am way behind the times when it comes to computer skills, but I am on Facebook if anyone wants to chat. Take care! Love you all!!! Billye Sue

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I think I'm the only one leaving comments here...

Billye Sue, your family is beautiful! I wish you were my kids' teacher.